Happy Saturday!
Last March at the beginning of this new era in which we find ourselves, I took down the Dyed to Order section of my shop. I didn’t know what to expect in terms of the ability to get undyed yarn, and I didn’t want any of you to order something I couldn’t get for you.
As you know, I try to keep a great selection of yarn in stock at all times, but there’s only one of me, and I can’t keep all the colorways on all the bases in stock all of the time, so I dye them in rotation.
Having a dyed to order section makes it so that you can get as many skeins as you need on whatever base you prefer when you need it, so I am very happy to be able to offer that once again.
However, there are still supply chain issues as I mentioned a week or two ago. The yarn mills are now open again, but they had to close for several months, and it is going to take a while to catch up. That means some yarn bases are hard to get still. As a result, I am only making available the yarn bases I either have in stock or know that I can get.
Right now, those include Sock Perfection, Sparkly Merino Sock, So Silky Sock, Squoosh DK, Buttery Soft DK, and Quick and Cozy Bulky. As things return to normal, I will add the rest of my yarn bases as well.
It’s still a work in progress, but you can see it here.
September Club Colorway
In other news, I have decided to use Raphael’s “Madonna of the Chair” as the inspiration for the September club colorway. It’s a special favorite of mine, and the colors are perfect for fall.
Here’s the painting:

The legend has it that Raphael was traveling and stopped at an inn to stay the night. When it came time to pay, he realized he had no money and offered to pay by painting something for the innkeeper. The only thing they had available was the lid of a barrel, so he painted this beautiful Madonna and Child on that. If the legend is true, I think the innkeeper was well compensated, don’t you?
Sale on Fiber
I am having a significant sale on two types of top in my shop. There’s Juliet and Fairy Tale. Juliet is made of 100% merino while Fairy Tale is made of merino and stellina and is wonderfully sparkly.
Here’s Juliet:

Have a great weekend, and happy fiber artistry!