Good afternoon! I apologize for sending this later in the day than usual, but it has been a little crazy around here. As you probably already know because this proud mamma couldn’t stop talking about it, our oldest two children graduated from college in May, and now our oldest daughter is leaving TODAY for San Antonio where she will be teaching elementary school. In one sense it’s not much different than having her go off for the next semester, but in another sense it is the end of one era and the beginning of another.
Today I also sent off all the club colorways, so if you are a member of one of my yarn or art batt clubs, you can expect to receive your shipment of “squishy mail” in a few days. Regarding the clubs, I have had some requests to add a Cashmere Sock yarn club, so I’ll be doing that within the week.
I’m in the process of working up a few new semi-solid colorways. Here are all the ones I have at the moment on Sparkly Merino Sock:

Sunshine (the soft yellow one) and Brilliant Blue are both new colorways as of the last couple weeks, and they are both available on Sparkly Merino Sock and Sock Perfection. What other colors would you like to see? I’m thinking about a soft sunset orange and an emerald green, but I’m certainly open to suggestions and ideas.
Speaking of suggestions and ideas, I am planning on making Advent yarn calendars for the first time this year, and I would love to hear what you like and what you don’t. Do you prefer variegated colorways or solids? Random minis or a coordinating set? If you have ordered Advent yarn calendars before, what have you made from them? Do you like the 10 g minis or the 20 g minis? Also, would you actually prefer an Advent set starting at the beginning of December or the Twelve Days of Christmas set I did last year? One possibility would be for me to offer a 12-day set and a 24-day set so you could use it for either one. Please do email me with your thoughts and preferences. It’s sort of weird to talk about Advent and Christmas in July, but I want to have all my plans in order within the next couple months.
On a different topic, I have been trying to choose a knitting pattern for a nice summer top to make for myself, and I thought I would share the patterns I found with you. If you’ve used any of these patterns, by all means let me know what you thought of them. All of these use sock-weight or fingering-weight yarn.
Heart of Glass by Mary Annarella – – This one has long slim lines and a pretty lace pattern.
Easy Shoulder Lace Top by Gabriella Fallone – – This one looks simpler than most, and it’s free. I would probably create a bit of a fade for this one.
Tidewater by Laura Aylor – – This looks like it would be easy to wear all the time.
Taste of Salt by Jenny F – – This looks graceful and lovely, and the pattern is by Jenny F whom I interviewed awhile back.
Arequita Tunic by Susanna IC- – Can you tell I’m a bit in love with lace lately? This one looks really pretty and feminine.
Edgevale Tank by Kerri Blumer – – I love the A-line on this one and the fact that Kerri Blumer includes a guide for success along with the pattern.
Jolie Fleur by Vera Sanon – – The construction of this one all in one piece looks fascinating.
Frost Thread by Veera Valmaki – – I love the rolled neck on this one.
That’s it for today. If you are a praying sort of person, I would ask your prayers for safe travel for my husband and our daughter. They will be leaving shortly for San Antonio. I’m so glad she’ll be teaching in such a pretty city!
I look forward to chatting with you next week. Happy fiber artistry!