I am having a big sale to celebrate Mother’s Day. Whether you are looking for something for your mom, your wife, or a special treat for yourself, I’ve got you covered!
The sale starts today and lasts through Tuesday, May 14th. Just use the coupon code THANKSMOM2024 or click here to go directly to the sale and have the coupon code added to your cart. The sale includes all of the…
Basically the sale includes everything in my shop except my clubs and dyed-to-order yarn.
Gift Cards
Did Mother’s Day sneak up on you? You might consider a Purple Lamb gift card for your favorite fiber artist. The gift cards are digital, so when you order one, it will be sent to your email right away.
The gift cards never expire or lose value, and I’m extending the sale through the 14th so the recipient of your gift card can take advantage of the sale.
Fresh from the Dye Pots
I dyed up several fresh colorways this week, and I’m including these in the sale too!
Here is Monet’s Cathedral, which is one of my favorites. Here it is on Sparkly Merino Sock:

I also dyed Ocean at Night on several yarn bases, including Squiggle Sock shown here:

The last one I dyed is Peacock Feathers on Sock Perfection, Stained Glass Sock, and Sparkly Merino Sock, shown here:

On a Personal Note
This is a really big week for our family. As I mentioned last week, one of our daughters is graduating Magna Cum Laude from a wonderful university this weekend, so we have family in town to celebrate with us. I’m so proud of her!
In addition to our daughter’s graduation and Mother’s Day, it’s also our 30th wedding anniversary. Thirty years! In some ways it seems like forever and in other ways it seems like these thirty years went by in the blink of an eye. What an amazing man I married! He is kind and creative and truly cares about everyone he meets. He serves his family with love and kindness, and he has always supported my efforts as a small business owner and a homeschool mom.
I hope your weekend is delightful and that you find time to rest and experience the joy of the fiber arts.