News, Sale

Thanks, Mom!

I am having a big sale to celebrate Mother’s Day. Whether you are looking for something for your mom, your wife, or a special treat for yourself, I’ve got you covered! The sale starts today and lasts through Tuesday, May 14th. Just use the coupon codeĀ THANKSMOM2024 or click here to go directly to the sale… Read More Thanks, Mom!

Crochet, Dyeing, Knitting, News, Pattern, Planned Pooling, Weaving, Yarn and Fiber Club

A Gorgeous Shawl Pattern and a Few New Colorways

Good morning, and happy Friday to you! We actually got some rain yesterday for the first time in more than two months. It was lovely, and it brought the temperature down from 100 to 80! I don’t know about you, but I can barely wait for fall to begin. This week I want to show… Read More A Gorgeous Shawl Pattern and a Few New Colorways