Good morning, and happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you! My husband comes from a very Irish family heritage, so we always have a lot of fun on Saint Patrick’s Day. I decided to share the celebration with all of you by having a sale.
You can see everything in the sale right here. There’s no coupon code to remember. You’ll automatically get 15% off everything in the sale when you check out. There’s something from every yarn base with lots to choose from. The sale begins today and lasts through Monday. Here’s a sampling of some of the colorways in the sale:

Fresh from the Dye Pots
I dyed up A Light in Dark Places this week. Here that is on Sparkly Merino Sock:

I’m going to be dyeing up more of it on some other bases soon, but above all else I am working hard to get the Eight Days of Easter Kits packaged up and sent out to you.
April Club Colorway
This month we have reached the pre-Raphaelites–a period where both artists and poets reached back to classical themes. With the help of a very knowledgeable club member (thank you, Jan!) I chose Penelope and her Suitors by John William Waterhouse.
I love the fact that it is fiber-arts themed. It’s from the Odyssey. Penelope was the wife of Odysseus, and everyone assumed he was dead after an absence of 20 years beginning with the Trojan War in the Iliad. There were many suitors who were staying at their home and using up the inheritance of Telemachus, the son of Odysseus and Penelope. The suitors all wanted her to choose one of them to marry, but she still hoped for the return of her beloved husband. She told the suitors that she would choose one to marry as soon as she had finished weaving the burial cloth for her father-in-law. However, she wove it by day and un-wove it every night with the help of her handmaids, so it was never finished. That is the scene of the painting below.

Show and Tell Next Week
Next week will be Show and Tell week. I’ve already gotten photos of beautiful projects from some of you, so thank you so much for that. I’d love a few more, so if you have a work in progress or finished project to share, please do! It’s such a great opportunity for all of us to inspire one another with project ideas and possibilities.
I’ll also be letting you know what the April club colorway will be next Friday. Until then, I hope you are having a beautiful spring. See you next week.