Good morning, and happy Friday to you! I have had the best week creating fun new colorways. I’d like to tell you about those new colorways and a few others as well as let you know what painting I’ll be using as inspiration for the May club colorway.
Gemstone Collection of Assigned Pooling Colorways
Last week I had the idea of combining a variegated colorway with an assigned pooling colorway for a pattern I’m working on. That idea spurred a new idea: Why not make a variety of assigned pooling colorways made to match lots of my variegated colorways so that all of you can make something new and amazing? So that’s just what I did.
I made 5 different assigned pooling colorways with just two colors each, and each assigned pooling colorway goes with a variety of variegated colorways. These are rich colors that reminded me of gemstones, so I named each colorway after the pair of gems that it looks like.
For each one, I made a list of yarn pairings or colorways that they would match. Let me show you what they look like, and then I’ll tell you a little more about the pattern I’m working on. You can click on the photos to go to that colorway on my website.
This first one is the one I’m using for my pattern in combination with Beautiful Universe, but it would also go with Sapphire Dreams and several other colorways:

This next one is a combination of dark gray with teal, and I think it’s quite elegant.

This one is just so bright and fun. It goes beautifully with Paris.

Next up is this pairing of blue and teal. This one would look great with After the Rain and The Hands of the King to name just a couple.

I made the four colorways above on Stained Glass Sock, Sock Perfection, and Sparkly Merino Sock. I made Sapphire and Kunzite below on Sparkly Merino Sock, Super Sport, and Squoosh DK. This one would look great with Monet’s Water Lilies and many others as well.

Each one of these would work beautifully on its own for one of Dawn Barker’s assigned pooling patterns or for my own pattern, The Long Way Round. If assigned pooling is new to you, the idea is that you do one type of stitch pattern for the color that takes three quarters of the skein and a different stitch for the color that takes one quarter of the skein. It can be done for both knitting and crochet.
As I mentioned above, though, each of these colorways would also go beautifully with a variety of my variegated colorways. I am currently working on a poncho pattern that combines the different types of colorways. Now, if you smirked when I said the word, “poncho,” I don’t blame you. I keep thinking of Casapinka’s beautiful pull-over shawl, named because she didn’t want to embarrass her teenage daughter by using the word poncho. However, even though I too have teenagers, I am not afraid to admit that I LOVE ponchos. You put them on, and then they stay put. And not only are they practical, but they are like wearing a cozy blanket, and who doesn’t love that?
However, there’s no need to wait for my new pattern to use these lovely new colorways whether on their own or in combination with a variegated colorway. The possibilities are endless for crocheters and knitters alike.
Other Freshly Dyed Colorways
I also dyed Bouquet just yesterday. This is one of my regular spring colorways. It was inspired by a beautiful little painting of a bouquet. Here it is on Buttery Soft DK:

My son also dyed a new OOAK colorway this week that I named Whimsy. Here that is:

Isn’t it delightful? Joseph is such a talented dyer, and I hope he will work with me more in the future.
I also still have most of the Gelato pastel semi-solid colorways in stock. Here those are:

May Club Colorway
This coming month, we are moving forward to the Impressionist period, which means that I get to choose a painting from my very favorite artist, Claude Monet! Woot, woot! This month, I chose a painting I have been waiting to use for a really long time. It’s called White Water Lilies, and he painted it in 1899. Here it is:

I love the ethereal look of the painting and the combination of colors. I can’t wait to dye and card these up for you! If you would like to join the club or adjust your subscription, you can do so until the 1st of May.
I hope you have a beautiful week filled with color and creation and all the wonder of spring. See you next week!