Good afternoon! It has been a couple weeks since I talked to you, and since we last spoke, we have moved from northern Arizona to Texas. It has been a bit of a wild ride. I’ll tell you a bit about our moving adventures soon.
Independence Day Sale
First, though, I want to let you know that I am having an Independence Day sale. You can take 20% off all my hand-dyed and handspun yarn using the coupon code, FREEDOM. Here’s the link to all the yarn on sale.
Here are a few teasers for you:

I have a lot more yarn–over 100 different colorways in stock right now. If you are interested in Alpaca Lace Cloud, I have a nice selection now, but please know that it may be a little while until I can get it from the mill again. Hopefully not too long.
July Club Colorway
I also wanted to announce the club colorway for this month. I apologize for not telling all the club members sooner. To tell the truth, I was struggling with whether to go with something timely or peaceful. Munch’s “Scream” was high on the list, but instead I opted for peaceful and chose Thomas Cole’s painting, “Childhood” from his “Voyage of Life” series. Here it is:

Thomas Cole was born in England in 1801. He moved to The United States and focused his artistic career on traveling through and painting scenes of nature, especially in the Catskill Mountains. He is considered to be the founder of the Hudson River School of painting. He has some really unique paintings insofar as he combines nature with spiritual elements like the guardian angel seen in the painting above.
I will be mailing out the club yarn and art batts a bit later than usual due to our move. They should still be going on long before the official deadline of the 21st.
Our Move
Speaking of the move, we arrived at our friend’s house last Friday. We had hoped to arrive a day sooner, but I was so exhausted that I didn’t feel safe to drive, so we stopped about 6 hours short of our destination. We were able to unload our Uhaul into the garage of the house, but we had to wait for the current tenants to move out before we could move in. Fortunately, we have been able to hang out at a dear friend’s house while we wait.
Just last night, we started moving furniture and boxes into the house. I am ready to start making art batts again, but it’s going to be a few more days before I have my dye studio in order.
Fortunately, the long weekend should help.
Spin Together Team and Sponsor Forms
In other news, you may recall that last year I decided to start a new spinning competition along with a wonderful team of fiber artists. I am so pleased that in a world where so many things have had to be cancelled, Spin Together can continue on since it takes place online and everywhere. Spinners will be able to join teams in September, but starting now, anyone who wants to lead a team or sponsor a prize can sign up to do so at
Show and Tell Newsletter Coming Up
Next week, my plan is to have another Show and Tell newsletter. If you have a project that you have made from Purple Lamb yarn or fiber, I would love to be able to include it. Just email me a photo by Wednesday of this week please.
Stay well!