I hope you have been enjoying a wonderful holiday season and that you’ve found some time to enjoy the fiber arts along the way. As I mentioned last time, all of our bunchkins are home though not for much longer. It has been a delight to sit around in the evening chatting or watching something after the little ones are in bed with knitting needles clicking away in both my daughters’ and my hands.
I’ve been thinking about what a joy it is to be able to pass on my love of fiber arts to my children. Our daughters both knit, some of our sons make art batts, and my younger daughter spins and dyes too. In fact, she just finished her first weaving project, which started with spinning and dyeing the yarn, and she did a beautiful job with it. I’m so proud of her!
Here it is near the beginning:
Club Colorway
On the Purple Lamb front, I’m dyeing up yarn and fiber inspired by Mondrian’s “The Red Tree” for the January club colorway as I write this. I struggled a bit with how to interpret the painting, but I’m quite pleased with the first set, and now I’m dyeing up more.
Quick and Cozy Bulky
I’ve also been busily dyeing up some popular colorways on my newish Quick and Cozy Bulky yarn base. If you haven’t had a chance to try it yet, you really should. It’s soft and squishy and has great stitch definition, and it’s perfect for cold winter weather. In fact, I’m getting ready to weave myself a new vest using it. I’m still trying to narrow down which colorways to use though.
Here are a few of my favorites:
This first one was inspired by Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. I tried to convey both the magic and the crazy mix-up of the comedy.

The next one is Monet’s Water Lilies, and I’m really pleased with the way the colors look on the bulky yarn.

Next up is La Bohème, which is one of my own favorites on every base. I had an interesting thing happen just yesterday in reference to this colorway. Apparently someone asked another dyer to copy this colorway, and the dyer refused and let me know. I’m not sure if everyone knows this, but it is a matter of honor among indie dyers never to copy each others’ work.

Here are a couple of yarn combinations that I really like on Quick and Cozy Bulky:

Arizona Fiber Arts Retreat
In a couple weeks, I’ll be taking part in the Arizona Fiber Arts Retreat in Prescott, Arizona. The only downside to selling yarn and fiber at such an event is that I can’t take part in any of the classes, which sound amazing. Here’s the link if you’re interested in coming: https://www.arizonafiberartsretreat.com/
This is the first year I have taken part, but I’ve been really impressed by their organization, and I’m looking forward to being there. Hopefully I’ll see some of you there.
Call for Photos
One more thing–I’m hoping to have a show and tell newsletter with your beautiful creations made from Purple Lamb yarn and fiber. I’ve only received a couple photos so far, and I would love to have more. If you have a work in progress or finished item you would be willing to share that was made from at least partly Purple Lamb yarn or fiber, I’d love to feature it in next week’s post. Just email it to me and tell me about the pattern and yarn you used. Hopefully your project will inspire another reader and vice-versa.
I hope you have a fantastic 2020 filled with joy, including the joy of the fiber arts!