This month, I’m interviewing Jenny, who goes by SweaterFreak on Ravelry. Jenny has some really unique and fascinating knitting patterns, and I love the clean modern lines. As usual, my questions and comments will be in black, and her responses will be in purple.
Jenny, tell me about how you got started in fiber arts. How did you first learn to knit?
I was taught to knit by my granny at the age of 7. We always had a house full of fabric and yarn, so I have felt at home with the fiber for as long as I can remember!

What led you from there to designing your own patterns?
Not finding what I want to wear in the store led me to creating the garments, and all the wonderful encouragement on Ravelry has led me to writing up my own patterns!
You mentioned that you are a software developer and that designing knitting patterns and developing software go well together. I find that fascinating! Obviously, both require a logical mind and the ability to look ahead and make connections. How else do the two mesh?
They are very similar in a sense that you have to outline the steps of what to do very clearly in order for the outcome to be the one you expect. Also – both require tremendous attention to detail.

Do you find your knitting pattern designs ever inspire your programming and software development?
No! The subject of the matter is totally different!
Where do you find inspiration for your new designs?
Everywhere – mostly runways and fashion. Also, texture and patterns are basically everywhere around us, and sometimes the inspiration strikes at the oddest moment.

On a related note, which comes first? The yarn or the pattern? Do you find some yarn and come up with the perfect pattern to go with it, or do you have a pattern idea in mind and go in search of yarn that would complement it?
Pattern – but sometimes yarn! It’s weird but every time I have an idea for a pattern, I never seem to have correct yarn for it no matter how much yarn I have! Odd, isn’t it?
Ha! I’m pretty sure you aren’t the only one!

Do you have a favorite weight of yarn to work with?
I love worsted and fingering weights.
How about a favorite fiber?
I prefer unprocessed wool but I also really love superwash single-ply merino yarns which retain the wooliness somehow.

What is your own personal favorite design that you have made so far?
Loopdigan because it’s super fun and functional.

That is the coolest pattern. My daughter and I were both admiring it when I first found your designs.
I know your designs can be found on Ravelry as Jenny F. Are there other places where we can find your patterns as well?
I have a website at, and I am on Instagram as @sweaterfreakknits. Instagram is really the best place to follow me since I find it the least demanding in terms of time to maintain. I plan to redo my web site at some point as well, right now it’s a blog and sadly, it’s been neglected.

What upcoming plans do you have for your business as a designer?
I have several collaborations and kits in the works which keeps me extra busy.
I can’t wait to see them! Thank you for joining us today, Jenny!