Spinning, Weaving

Weaving Handbags

I’m working with a friend to create a new line of handspun, handwoven handbags. I’ll be doing the spinning and weaving, and my friend will be doing the sewing, putting the handbags together. I warped my rigid heddle loom at 10 ends per inch. The warp yarn is a commercially spun wool yarn that came… Read More Weaving Handbags

Knitting, Spinning, Weaving

Balling Yarn

I just found this on Youtube and thought it was brilliant. I usually use a cake ball winder, but if you don’t have one or want something that might be even faster, here it is. The video starts with a kitchen hand mixer, but she also shows an option with a drill near the end.

News, Weaving

Revamped Etsy Shop

This is just a quick post to let everyone know that I have revamped my Etsy shop.  I’m now sorting all my yarns by weight.  My goal is to make it easy for knitters, crocheters, and weavers to easily find the kind of yarn they need for a project they are planning. I also just… Read More Revamped Etsy Shop

Uncategorized, Weaving

The Budget Weaver

I love pretty much the whole gammut of fiber arts, but my first love was weaving, and then you might say I worked my way backwards from yarn to spinning to raising angora rabbits. Contrary to what the name suggests, I don’t actually own a purple lamb–not yet anyway. As you probably already know if… Read More The Budget Weaver