Crochet, Dyeing, Felting, Fiber Paintings, Knitting, News, Sale, Spinning, Weaving, Yarn and Fiber Club

Labor of Love Big Labor Day Sale

Happy Labor Day weekend! I always think of Labor Day as the official beginning of “yarn and fiber season”–when it’s finally cool enough to start wearing our wonderful woollies–or at least to start making new ones in hopes of wearing them soon! I know for a lot of us, it’s also the time when we… Read More Labor of Love Big Labor Day Sale

Dyeing, Felting, News, Sale, Spinning

Sale on Fiber, News about Spin Together, and Plans for an Advent Yarn Calendar

Good morning, my fellow fiber artist! Just this week our weather shifted from the heat and humidity of monsoon season back to dry and really hot, but as I write this, I am enjoying the cool of the morning and awaiting the time when it really starts to feel like fall and I can pull… Read More Sale on Fiber, News about Spin Together, and Plans for an Advent Yarn Calendar