Crochet, Kits, Knitting, News, Spinning, Weaving

Ready, Set, Advent!

I am delighted to bring you this year’s Advent calendars! I’m using this artistic rendering of the Cassiopeia constellation by Beate Bachman as inspiration for the colorways: I’m offering a Yarn Advent Calendar for knitters, crocheters, and weavers. I’m also offering a Fiber Advent Calendar for spinners and felters. I’m using the Cassiopeia constellation picture… Read More Ready, Set, Advent!

Dyeing, Kits, Pattern

Buds and Blooms Shawl

I am so excited to tell you about the new shawl pattern by Deborah Bowanko! Debbi and I have collaborated on several projects, including last year’s Advent calendar kits. Though we have never met in person, I consider her a good friend, and we visit over email frequently. Debbi is a moderator for the Never… Read More Buds and Blooms Shawl

Dyeing, Sale, Show and Tell, Silk Scarves

Silk Scarves and a Solitary Skein Sale to Celebrate Independence Day

Happy Independence Day! I decided to send out the newsletter a day early because I’m having a Solitary Skein Sale to celebrate our beautiful country. I also dyed up some new habotai silk scarves. – Solitary Skein Sale I’m having a sale on all my solitary skeins. Solitary skeins are the last skein of a… Read More Silk Scarves and a Solitary Skein Sale to Celebrate Independence Day

Dyeing, Spinning

A Website Update

This week, I updated my website. I still have a few little tweaks to finish up, but the new website is live now, and I really hope you like it! My goal was to freshen it up and make it easy to navigate and find everything you’re looking for. If you have any suggestions or… Read More A Website Update

Dyeing, Knitting, News

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue

You remember the old saying related to what a bride should bring to her wedding? “Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.” Well, this week has been a productive one in the studio, and when I sat down to plan out this week’s newsletter, I realized that the colorways we dyed up fit… Read More Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue