I have been scouring art books and websites for a couple of weeks now, trying to choose something that really represents spring for the April Club Colorway and also something with different colors from the Seurat from February and the Van Gogh from March, and I finally found it!
I’m going to create the yarn and art batts for April using Georgia O’Keeffe’s painting, “Flower of LIfe II.” While I’m not really a fan of her cow bone paintings, I love her flowers, don’t you?
Here’s the painting:

I already know exactly what dyes I want to use, and I love the dramatic contrast between the purples and the reds. I can hardly wait to get started!
If you already signed up for one (or more–thank you!!) of my monthly clubs, you don’t have to do anything at all. The yarn or fiber will keep coming until you decide to cancel or pause. If you’d like to switch to a different club, you can do so by going to the login link at the very top of my website.
If you have been thinking about signing up, just please be sure to do so by April 1st if you would like to receive the April colorway. Here’s a link to all the clubs: https://www.shop.purplelambfiberarts.com/collections/clubs
I want to thank everyone for your wonderful feedback on last month’s colorway. Now that you should have all received it, I’ll spill the beans and show you a photo of the yarn.

The one on the left was dyed on Sock Perfection, the one in the middle is on Sparkly Merino Sock, and the one on the right is on Buttery Soft DK. You can tell very clearly here that the Buttery Soft DK takes dye more softly due to the alpaca. I loved this colorway so much that I made an extra skein on the Sparky Merino Sock base that’s currently in my own stash until I figure out what I want to make with it. Yep, I have a stash too.
The very best comment came from the teenage son of one of my club members. When she explained to him what went into the creation of each colorway, he said, “That is some legit yarn!” I think that might be one of the highest compliments I have ever received!
You’ve captured the colors of Starry Night perfectly! I too, love Georgia O’Keefe’s flowers. The colors of the one you chose are amazing!
Thank you so much, Pam!