This month for the club colorway, we are moving into the early Medieval period. It’s actually just a smidge earlier than last month’s painting from China, but it was too beautiful to miss. This is the mosaic ceiling from the Cathedral of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy:

As a friend who has been there mentioned just today, you would never realize the treasures within from the unassuming structure outside. The whole church is full of amazing mosaics, but I decided to focus on the ceiling. This was created in the middle of the 6th century. Can you imagine what it took to create something so beautiful using tiny mosaic tiles? It’s mind-boggling! If you’d like to learn more, here’s a great video by Smarthistory about the amazing mosaics in San Vitale.
The deadline to join the club or make any changes to your subscription is the 1st of the month.
Fresh from the Dye Pots
The rest of the family went camping last weekend and had a glorious time. Meanwhile, I stayed home to finish the grand task of photography I talked with you about last week. I got everything finished just about an hour before everyone got home. Perfect timing!
With that task behind me, I got to return to the dye pots this week, which is my favorite place to be! I dyed several different colorways.
The first was Ocean at Night, shown here on Suri Lace Cloud:

Look at how fuzzy and soft it is! Suri Lace Cloud has all the wonderful texture of mohair with none of the itch. It’s great on its own or held double with a smooth yarn base. You can see Ocean at Night on several different yarn bases right here.
The second colorway I dyed this week was Smitten. Here it is on Squiggle Sock for the first time:

I also have Smitten available on Stained Glass Sock…

…and here it is on Sparkly Merino Sock:

Just this morning I finished dyeing Sunset at Sea on Sock Perfection, Stained Glass Sock, and Squiggle Sock. Here it is on all three.

I have really enjoyed the process of rephotographing all the yarn, but it’s good to get back to “ordinary time.” I hope to get a few more colorways dyed up before it’s time for the May club colorway.
A Word about Advent Calendars
I have noticed that some other indie dyers already have their Advent calendars available for preorder. I wanted to mention that I will be doing Advent calendars this year, but I’ll be setting up the preorders in August. I am not 100% sure, but my current plan is to use this photo of Cassiopeia as my inspiration:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and find some time to knit, crochet, spin, weave, or felt.
I am so excited about the ceiling art for May’s inspiration! It is so beautiful!