Good morning, and happy Friday to you! This week, I have a small secret sale for subscribers only and an update on the Advent calendars.
A Sale on Feather Sock
I have a small but lovely selection of Feather Sock remaining. Feather Sock is a soft light fingering-weight yarn base made of a blend of non-superwash merino and mulberry silk. I keep thinking what a great summer top it would make! I love this yarn base, but in order to have enough room for the new Suri Lace Cloud and Diamond Silk Sock, I had to choose one yarn base to let go. Here is a closeup of Galadriel’s Gift on Feather Sock:

I’m offering 20% off the remaining colorways when you use the coupon code LIGHTASAFEATHER20. Here is the link to the items in the sale. You won’t find the link on my website since this sale is a secret just for subscribers.
This yarn base would be great held double with Suri Lace Cloud too.
Advent Calendar Update

Last week I told you all about this year’s yarn Advent calendars based on Aragorn’s journey through The Lord of the Rings. After I sent the newsletter, though, I realized I had inadvertently left out the photo of Deborah Bowanko’s beautiful pattern that comes as part of the kit. Here is a photo of Deborah’s Alsatian Advent Wrap:

The colorways in her sample are different from the ones that will be part of your Advent calendar kit.
I want to thank everyone who already ordered an Advent Calendar kit from me. As I write this, I have 39 kits remaining. I set up the preorder for as many as I knew I could manage, so once they are gone, I’m afraid that will be all for this year. You can learn more about them on my website. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me.
A Peak at Last Year’s Advent Calendars
Here is a photo from the process of packaging the Advent calendars last year:

…and here is Shirley’s completed 2022 Advent calendar that she kindly shared:

As I mentioned last week, this year’s colorways will have a similar vibe, but the set will also include a full-sized skein, the pattern will be the one I showed you above, and the colorways will be darker overall as befits Aragorn’s journey.
This and That
I got all the club colorways shipped yesterday for the August clubs, and I just managed to print the last postcard before my printer stopped working, so that is both good and bad I guess. Technology is great–until it stops working.
The Lady with a Fan proved a fascinating challenge due to the gold background and the necessity to keep the other colors true with the gold. I had to combine a few different techniques to make it work. It took a couple tries, but I am really pleased with the results, and I hope those of you who are club members enjoy it so much.
In addition to the Advent calendars, I’m preparing for the DFW Fiber Fest, which will be the weekend on September 14th. If you are in the area, please come say hello.
Our daughter, son-in-law, and darling little grandson are up visiting for a few days. He is such an easy-going happy baby who doesn’t seem to mind being passed around among his grandparents and aunts and uncles, which is good because we all want to hold him! Now I’m off to go snuggle that sweet baby.
Have a great week!